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To nominate yourself or a colleague for an SSVMS Annual Award, please complete this online form.
2025 Award Recipients
Golden Stethoscope Award Laurie C. Gregg, MD
Community Impact Award José Arévalo, MD
Outstanding Medical Society Volunteer Award Eric Williams, MD
Beyond clinical excellence, Dr. Gregg is a leader in physician wellness. As a past SSVMS Board member and longtime Joy of Medicine Advisory Committee member, she has helped provide mental health resources to more than 350 physicians. As Chief Wellness Officer at Sutter Independent Physicians, she has spearheaded initiatives combating physician burnout, fostering peer support, and ensuring professional sustainability. Her work helped Sutter Independent Physicians earn its first AMA Silver Level Award for Physician Well-being.
Her contributions extend far – she co-leads the Sutter Wellness Program, helped launch a national peer support network for Ob-Gyns, and has presented at international conferences. She was also recognized with the 2023 CMA Gary S. Nye Award for Physician Health and Well-Being. |
While earning his medical degree at Stanford University, he co-founded La Raza Medical Association, a precursor to the Latino Medical Student Association, to help address the shortage of Latinx physicians. Later, as faculty at UC Davis, he launched the Minority Initiative Program to recruit underrepresented students into Family Medicine and served as an instructor for Clinica Tepati, a student-run clinic for Sacramento’s uninsured.
To further support Latinx physicians and health equity, he founded the Sacramento Latino Medical Association and Latinx Physicians of California, which have advanced policy changes and increased access to care. His colleagues praise his decades-long leadership in diversity, equity, and inclusion at both Sutter Independent Physicians and Sutter Health.
Dr. Williams has been instrumental in mentoring aspiring physicians through the Future of Medicine program, which he helped expand in partnership with local health systems. Under his leadership, the program now graduates more than 100 students annually.
Dr. Williams chairs the Future of Medicine Advisory Committee, selecting students and providing mentorship beyond the program. He has also generously donated thousands of dollars to support its success.
Beyond this, he contributes to SSV Medicine magazine as a writer, poet, and Editorial Committee member. He co-leads the SSVMS Med Poets Society, fostering a creative space for physician-writers. Additionally, he volunteers with the Historical Committee and Museum of Medical History, preserving the history of medicine through exhibits and research.
SSVMS Annual Awards
SSVMS provides awards in up to four categories:
Golden Stethoscope Award - Awarded annually; candidates are evaluated primarily for their devotion to patient care and the medical needs of our community.
Community Impact Award - Formerly the Medical Honor Award; given to an SSVMS member whose high achievement has translated into a contribution of great significance to the community.
- Excellence in Advocacy Award - Created in 2023 to recognize notable leadership in the advancement of health care policy that directly benefits physicians and patients.
- Outstanding Medical Society Volunteer Award - Created in 2023 to acknowledge physicians who advance the mission and vision of SSVMS through significant contributions to our Society or through their participation in charitable programs such as SPIRIT, Joy of Medicine, Future of Medicine, the Museum of Medical History, and more.
Golden Stethoscope Award - Previous Recipients
2025 Laurie C. Gregg, MD
2024 Rajiv Misquitta, MD
2023 Kent Jolly, MD
2022 Deferred to 2023
2021 JaNanh Scalapino, MD
2020 Award Not Presented During Pandemic
2019 David Kissinger, MD
2018 Denise Satterfield, MD
2017 Mary Pat Pauly, MD
2016 Gordon A. Wong, MD
2015 Robert A. Kahle, MD
2014 Delphine W. Ong, MD
2013 Bradley E. Chipps, MD
2012 Marion Leff, MD
2011 Ernest E. Johnson, MD
2010 William J. W. Au, MD
2009 Jane O’Green Koenig, MD
2008 James A. Margolis, MD
2007 David F. Dozier, Jr., MD
2006 William G. Bush, MD
2005 Paul B. Kelly, MD
2004 Erwin A. Eichhorn, MD
2003 Barbara J. Arnold, MD
2002 Roger A. Lieberman, MD
2001 Kenneth B. Wiesner, MD
2000 Herbert Bauer, MD, Eleanor Rodgerson, MD, Hiroshi Yamauchi, MD
1999 Donald Hopkins, MD
1998 John B. Reardan, MD
1997 John Baker, MD
1996 Bernard Lewis, MD
1995 Edward Smeloff, MD
1994 Leon Burke, MD, Lyman Maass, MD
1993 Frank Schiro, MD
1992 Willis Pickel, MD
1991 Otto Neubuerger, MD
1990 Kenneth Ozawa, MD
1989 James Arliss Pollock, MD
1988 Robert J. LaPerriere, MD
1987 William Y. Fong, MD
1986 Byron H. Demorest, MD
1985 Richard L. Johnson, MD
1984 Robert H. Quillinan, MD
1983 Dennis Marks, MD
1982 Henry Go, MD, Max Shaffrath, MD
1981 Stanley Smiley, MD
1980 James Paul Barnes, MD
1979 L. Morgan Boyers, MD
1978 Howard Bliss, MD
1977 Dan O. Kilroy, MD
1976 William F.B. Harding, MD
1975 Abe E. Berman, MD
1974 Raymond J. Primasing, MD, Carl E. Horn, MD
1972 Charles Blumenfeld, MD, James Yant, MD
1971 James W. Martin, MD
1970 Dave F. Dozier, Sr., MD
1968 Edmund E. Simpson, MD
1967 Oscar F. Johnson, MD
1966 Frank B. Reardan, MD
1964 Andrew M. Henderson, MD
1963 James W. Elliott, MD
1962 Ray M. Wallerius, MD
1961 Ralph Teall, MD
Community Impact Award (Formerly Medical Honor Award) - Previous Recipients
2025 José Arévalo, MD
2024 Aimee Moulin, MD – In recognition for her work as co-founder and principal investigator of the California Bridge Project.
2023 Ronald Chambers, MD – In recognition for his dedicated and passionate work as medical director of the Mercy Medical Safe Haven Program, providing comprehensive trauma-informed health services to persons who have experienced human trafficking and who live in the Greater Sacramento Area.
2022 Deferred to 2023
2021 Gary Chu, MD – In recognition of his contribution to community health.
2020 No Award Given
2019 Andrew Hudnut, MD – In recognition of 20 years as a SPIRIT Adopt-A-School volunteer and a volunteer at the Interim Care Program (ICP) for homeless patients.
2018 David Herbert, MD – In recognition of his efforts working with the SPIRIT Program to increase access to care for the medically underserved in our community.
2017 Gordon S. Garcia, MD – In recognition of his spirit of community service and volunteerism as a child advocate, community educator and instructor to three local medical school universities.
2016 Tim W. Grennan, MD – In recognition of his outstanding achievements as a physician, medical educator and researcher in the advancement of cancer treatment.
2015 George W. Meyer, MD – In recognition of his outstanding volunteer contributions to the health of the people in our community and throughout the world.
2014 Paul R. Phinney, MD - In recognition as a leading advocate for patients and physicians on healthcare issues.
2013 John W. Young, MD – In recognition of his dedication to the uninsured, and exemplary service to the SPIRIT Program.
2012 Christopher Gresens, MD – In recognition of his passionate efforts to maintain a safe blood supply.
2011 John C. Loofbourow, MD – In recognition of his advocacy for the underserved and a voice of the Medical Community as Editor, Sierra Sacramento Valley Medicine.
2010 Faith Fitzgerald, MD – For Inspiring Leadership in Educating Medical Students and the Community About the Art and Science of Medicine.
2009 Joanne Berkowitz, MD – In recognition as an outstanding advocate for patients and physicians on healthcare issues.
2008 Ruth Haskins, MD – In recognition as a leading advocate for patients and physicians on healthcare issues.
2007 Richard J.D. Pan, MD - In recognition as a leading advocate for insuring all children.
2006 John Chuck, MD - In recognition as founder and CEO of the Serotonin Surge Charities.
2005 Ann Gerhardt, MD -In recognition as founder of the organization WINS --- We Insist on Natural Shapes. A non-profit organization devoted to educating the public about body-image issues.
2004 Lawrence Bass, MD - In recognition of his dedication to providing care to the medically underserved.
2003 Joseph Silva, Jr., MD - Presented in recognition of achieving 100% membership of all four years of medical students in SSVMS, CMA and the AMA and his support and leadership in organized medicine.
2002 Ann Haas, MD - Presented in recognition of her outstanding leadership as President of the Sun Safe City Program.
2001 Patricia L. Samuelson, MD - Presented in recognition of her outstanding contributions to Shots for Tots and patient advocacy.
2000 Edward Rudin, MD - Presented in recognition of his outstanding contributions to community mental health.
1999 Frederick E. Pratt, MD - Presented for his outstanding volunteer contributions to the health of the people in our community and throughout the world.
1998 Gerald Swafford, MD - Presented for exemplifying the efforts of the many physicians who volunteer their time to the Society's SPIRIT Project. Dr. Swafford was the first volunteer for the SPIRIT Project to perform hernia repairs for individuals who otherwise would not be able to receive this care.
1997 Glennah Trochet, MD - Presented for her devotion to the treatment of the medically indigent in Sacramento and her diligent work with the Society's SPIRIT Project since its inception.
1997 Ernie Bodai, MD - Presented for his achievement in obtaining the passage of legislation that authorized the sale of a breast cancer postage stamp with some of the proceeds going research.
1996 Larry Otterness, MD -Presented for his devotion to the well-being of physicians in Sacramento and El Dorado medical communities.
1995 Quentin Bonser, MD - Presented for his significant contributions to medicine and community health in Sacramento and El Dorado counties.
1994 Harvey Rose, MD - Presented for his major contributions on behalf of medicine & patients in the understanding of the treatment of chronic pain.
1993 Jerome Lackner, MD - Presented for his devotion to the treatment of individuals with drug dependencies and for his deep compassion and medical care of this underserved population.
1989-1992 The award was not presented in this category during these years.
1988 Robert LaPerriere, MD - Presented for his work with the City Cemetery and the preservation of pioneer physician gravesites.
1987 Suzanne Snively, MD - Presented for her contributions to student health on the CSUS campus.
1986 Harvey Thompson, MD (posthumously) and Sandy Pomerantz, MD* - Presented for their work establishing the AIDS Foundation.
Outstanding Medical Society Volunteer Award - Previous Recipients
2025 Eric Williams, MD
2024 Robert LaPerriere, MD